Is Jack The Ripper dead or alive?

Is Jack The Ripper dead or alive? This is a common question still asked/searched for within search engines.

Jack The Ripper struck in the East end of London in 1888.

With this in mind, Jack The Ripper is most certainly dead.

If Jack the Ripper was only 16 when he committed the murders he would be well over 140 years old.

It is safe to say Jack The Ripper is dead!


  1. Madi

    Thanks for the information :)

  2. Joshua Lewis

    Honestly I think that after all of those murders he went into hiding possibly leaving the country undetected without ever being seen and if he did die nobody wouldn't know because he's never been seen and so it's definitely possible that he could've lived after the killings then died in the 90's without nobody knowing and since he's never been seen his body could've been disposed of either by someone he knew or by his own doing but that's just my theory and opinion

  3. stuart lunn

    he is jack the ripper alve our daied i wast kown

  4. Kayden

    My first thought was "OH THANK GOD"

  5. Paul Gillon

    Ma uncle Jack is alive and doing well

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